Destination Algarve Lda
Look out for helpful tips throughout the profile to verify this I-PRAC member, before paying and registering your booking
Sean Whittamore(primary)
The above person(s) are the registered owners of the Agency. Checking to see who owns the business you are renting with is always a good idea.
Check that this address matches the agency address you have been provided. Don’t accept any differences between the two.
- Office +351282767532
- Mobile Number +351933481113
Use the telephone(s) number provided on the profile to call and speak with this I-PRAC member.
Check that the email used to communicate with you is the same email verified on the I-PRAC profile.
These are the approved payment details for this agency. Under no circumstances should you make payment to an alternative account as this will invalidate your payment protection guarantee. If this agency asks you to pay a different account, please report this to I-PRAC.
Agency Bio
Destination Algarve is based in Lagos and has been operating since 2004. The company is led by business partners Sean (founder) and Carol who have extensive experience in customer-focused businesses in the UK, Europe and a combined total of over 30 years’ experience in property-related industries in Portugal.
The two main services provided by the business are:
1. Property Management 2. Holiday Rentals (Rental Bookings)
Destination Algarve currently has over 50 properties, which are managed and cared for by their experienced team of property professionals.
The number of properties using the company’s management services has grown steadily since 2004, predominantly through referrals and recommendations.
Where the company provides a holiday rentals service it has a healthy percentage of repeat business and many clients book year after year, as well as recommending Destination Algarve’s services and properties to their friends, family, and acquaintances.
Mission Destination Algarve is a team of dedicated professionals with a passion for delivering the highest levels of service. Our mission is to be recognised as the first-choice provider of high-quality Property Management and Rental Bookings services in the Western Algarve. Our comprehensive Property Management service provides reassurance and peace of mind to property owners. For owners who wish to receive the maximum benefit from their property investment via our Rental Bookings service, our experienced Reservations team focuses on attracting guests from all over the world. Guests enjoy staying in top-quality accommodation with high standards of customer service ensuring that they have positive, memorable experiences. We take care of our team who in turn take care of our clients.
Values We operate according to the following values/principles:
- Communication - Teamwork - Integrity - Professionalism - Quality - Respect - Innovation - Sustainability.
Always ask your member to provide you with a rental contract and invoice. It is vital that you have a contractual document with anyone who offers rental accommodation.
The Location
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to email or call the I-PRAC approval office.
Agency Reviews
Photo Gallery
Take a look at some of our property photos that showcase the standard of rental accommodation we offer to our guests

Registering your booking with I-PRAC enables us to log your reservation on our system against this I-PRAC member and 100% guarantee your rental payments made direct to this I-PRAC member, and receive your certificate of payment guarantee for your booking.